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Wendy Wen

Optimizing Business Owner Retirement & Succession Planning

Apr 23, 2024 04:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time - Apr 23, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Vancouver Royal Centre, RBC Executive Lounge, 36th 1055 West Georgia St Vancouver, BC

Join us with many local successful Businessowners with some appetizers and drinks, as we provide valuable insights and guidance around optimizing your retirement cash flow, and securing the future of your business. 

Whether you are interested in learn more about Retirement planning- to ensure that you understand the different tax saving opportunities to optimize your retirement fund, or to understand how to plan for a smooth Business succession- whether your plan is to position business for sale, pass down to key managers or transition to the next generation. 

We hope to empower successful businessowners with knowledge and tools needed to make informed decision with our complimentary presentation. 

During the event, our speaker will go into topics such as:

  • Tax Efficient Strategies in Retirement  
  • How to Navigate the Retirement Roadmap 
  • Ongoing Corporate Tax Planning and Income Splitting Strategies
  • Business Succession Planning and Tax Considerations

We believe that attending the event will empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about your retirement and succession planning for your business.

The invitation is exclusive to you and one guest. Space is limited. You can register your guest here.

To Register, scan the QR code or email directly to:  

Wendy Wen

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